Sunday 1 February 2015

January Picks

As you know, every month I release a small list of the top five random products/things that I have been using and loving all month! These are my top five January picks! :)

1. Gain Fireworks Fragrance Burst (Any grocery/department store)

I've always been fascinated by those people who just smell so good without wearing perfume/lotion, simply because they showered and are wearing clean clothes. I've tried different fabrics sheets and scented laundry soap but I decide to pick up these little scent bursting beads and am SO happy with the smell of my clothes; this Moonlight Breeze stuff is unreal!  Even if you wash your clothes with this and keep them in your drawer for a few days it still smells awesome after, so give it a try!

2. Vanilla Bean Noel (Bath and Body Works)

There's no explanation needed. It's seasonal and only comes out once a year and even though initially this smell might be too sweet for you, you and everyone around you WILL love it. I've never gotten more compliments on a scent I'm wearing. Spray, hand sani, lotion, shower gel. I'd recommend getting ALL. :)

3. Decorative Hair Elastic (Forever 21)

I saw this near the checkout at Forever 21 and thought it was just a cute way to spice up your normal ponytail. Especially for someone like me who literally LIVES in ponytails (even when I go out) this is a way to add a little something extra. Plus, it's black and gold. #love

4. Tumbler (Winners)

This tumbler is sooooo efficient. I keep it at my desk all the time and its a good way to keep up your water intake during the day. This one is really cute and is insulated so that it keeps your water cool. Something about  a plastic straw and this kind of cup just makes me feel like I'm drinking a milkshake or something. Definitely invest in one for summer!

5. LSTN Headphones (LSTN Website)

These are the headphones I bought my sister for Christmas. Definitely save up for them, they aren't cheap, but aren't wildly expensive in the headphone world either. These ones are made out of recycled beech wood and the cause is VERY cool. For every pair that is sold LSTN donates a percentage of the money towards the Starkey Hearing foundation (to provide hearing aids for the hearing impaired who can't afford them all over the world. Stalk their foundation HERE! The overall quality of the headphones is rad, and honestly... wooden headphones? So down

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